Monday, May 13, 2019

Blog Post 2-Tell about an opportunity you had to work one on one with a student

I continued working in a fourth grade classroom this week. I got to work with a student that is struggling to pay attention and finish his math assignments. He actually understands the math quite well. He just has a hard time to keep focused on what he is supposed to be doing. It was a good experience to try and come up with ways to keep his attention and to keep him continually working on his math assignment.

As I was working with this one student, I was thinking about what I had learned this week with the history of education. I couldn't help but think of this student who was very much different from the rest of the students in his class. I thought about what it had to be like for the African American kids back then, trying to get a education, but just because their skin was a different color they were treated poorly. I was so grateful that as a society and a learning institution we have come such a far way. I am not sure of this, but it has seemed to me that even though this student is much different than those other students in his class, there doesn't seem to be any negative social impact. This has also made me think about what I can do as a teacher to ensure that there is always a culture of inclusion and learning in my classroom. As I am doing my fieldwork I am going to focus on what positive behaviors I see in the different classrooms from the different teachers that I would like to incorporate into my teaching methodology.

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