Friday, May 24, 2019

Blog post 5- What do you think is the most important role a teacher plays? Why?

Teachers are an integral part of society. When you step back and look at it, there is not many other roles as important as a teacher. The role is becoming more and more important as we are seeing more dual income and single parent families. These situations are leaving the lions share of not only teaching children reading and writing etc, but also teaching basic human skills and where each child gets their much needed face to face time with a caring adult.

With all of this said I believe that the most important role a teacher plays is that of helping a child realize and understand their worth and potential. There are many ways a teach can do this. I believe that this is the most important because if a child/student doesn't believe in themselves and doesn't have the confidence that they can do hard things, they will never push themselves to reach their potential. I know I can look back and remember specific instances where a teacher had a huge impact on me and changed my life for the better. This is a major part of my decision to become a teacher so I can hopefully have a positive effect in my students lives.

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